Tag Archives: Business Listing

Today’s building work…….

Well what a bus day we have had……building more and more free, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum walls to all these PigPen’s and boards too…..

I have been busy (but be quite as I don’t want The Farm Manage and Social Piggy to find out) but I have built a secret PigPen for Survey Piggy – my new friend and workmate here in the Directory PigPen and you will lots of survey Piggy over the coming months….

So, what are the boards I bet you are wondering…..well, let me tell you….

There you are out about and looking for a business that is local to you but you can’t find it. So what I have done is started to build boards for you to look at the businesses that are local to where you are. To find the business you are wandering around looking for, just looking on the relevant board and see their photo. So, where not hope over and have a sneaky look at what I have done on my Pinterest  page – but don’t tell Pinterest Piggy as he will not be happy that I did and not used him Oink Oink.

Also, I have now got all the huge SEVEN PigPen countries built together with all the locality PigPen’s inside them…..

Phew what a day I have had – say that is it and I am going for a lie down so I can have something to eat tonight


#OinkOink from myself – Directory Piggy – and Survey Piggy down here at Directory PigPen