Tag Archives: Farm Manager

Local goes county goes National goes International……………..

So there i was thinking, just having my own little PigPen and sharing my contacts with you but then more and more people started to ask about my views on Shop Local and Supporting Local Business, so I told them, maybe looking back I should have kept quiet and had my trout in the woodland looking for truffles……

Well, it got me thinking what these people were saying and so I sat back, listened to what they had say and then before the night was out, I have vision for what I could do based on their comments….

So, I went away with all their feedback, comments and points of view to see if I could do what they were asking. Well as a result I have had to change things from my last little blog based on the few areas I was looking at and what now………well……..

I have now constructed SEVEN huge PigPen’s representing Channel Islands, Eire, England, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. If that was enough, if you then go into each of those PigPen’s – there are over 138 regional PigPen’s too…..

Then to really make this Shop Local and Support Local Business, I have created a further 104 PigPen’s with many more to come…..

So, that is what I have been upto and I hope you pop round and look through them and let me have your thoughts….